
Friday, November 20, 2009

Introducing Maria the Hutia!

Hallelujah Welcomes Pilgrim Maria the Hutia! She is a small furry rodent who is traveling in the Atlantic searching for her home.

Ronald Shaklee tells her story in "The Misadventures of Maria the Hutia." Professor Shaklee also wrote an engaging song about Pilgrim Maria, which was recorded with children from the island of San Salvador in the Bahamas and plays on its national radio stations. Listen to this catchy tune at: Living Jewels.

Hallelujah identifies with Maria's journey. Who are we once we leave our natal homes? Who will befriend us? Maria must find out, and Hallelujah has been searching for the answer to this question for half a century.

Hallelujah loves all you fellow pilgrims and is curious about you! Write and tell me who you are, what you consider home and why. 

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