
Wednesday, April 18, 2012


HALLELUJAH TRUTH EYES AND EARS. I see and hear you. If you see and hear me, tell me your story. I am telling you mine. So it is the way we are meant to live, sharing our stories around the fire of our hearts, now the internet in this soul blogging world. (art by me, Hallelujah Truth)

Hallelujah PILGRIMS! "Enjoy the decade you are in now," says my love, one of my beloved mentors, the one who at this very moment is holding my ear and whispering TRUTHS to me--Clarissa Pinkola Estes. I am in LOVE once again. How grand it is to listen to someone speak and know that you are meant to learn what they have to give you! How glorious it is to KNOW, TRULY KNOW that we have a SOUL COMMUNITY out there, out here in the ethersphere of the internet. 

On April 16th, 2012, only a few days ago, a Russian blogger featured some of my art on her blog. How mysterious and odd and strange and wonderful is the blogger, dressed like a gypsy holding a pink rose or poppy all aglow would find my work, go through multiple old blog entries to choose the ones she liked! She has given me a gift of "attention"! I feel as though my SOUL has been witnessed from afar. HOW DID SHE FIND ME? In this huge, magnificent WORLD? Ah the mysterious ways of the SOUL! Are we truly destined to meet certain others in our lives? I would love to hear back from this Russian blogger!

I AM HERE! This is my universe and I am seeking like minded souls as I look into what this LIFE has to offer. 

This morning when I coached with my Artist Conference Network partner, I took a stand to create with the freedom of boys playing with bottle rockets on the American Fourth of July! I draw with the ambition of exploding neurons and popping synapses and colliding with YOU, DEAR SOUL PILGRIM in a fantastical dance celebrating the universe! 

BETWEEN BOUNDARIES.  As I draw and imagine myself in relation to you and to another aspect of myself, I envision transversing boundaries. I am eternally youthful, not regretting any "gathering of years" as Clarissa Pinkola Estes speaks of aging.
May all of you, DEAR PILGRIMS create, recreate, and celebrate whatever age you are now...our LIVES are so precious! That's Coffee with Hallelujah! 



  1. Isn't it wonderful how one's work can circulate so openly and mysteriously via the Internet? I love that about it.

  2. YES, it is truly wonderful and perhaps we connect with other like minded SOULS!
