
Wednesday, April 4, 2012



Hallelujah PILGRIMS! As a SPIRITUAL ART PILGRIM, life offers turns in the road, new ideas, and possibilities! To share the JOURNEY with other artists, writers, performers--MAGICIANS--is electrifying! Spencer Moon, author of three books on film, including his memoir, Reel Talk, has walked the creative path with me in Artist Conference Network. Most recently, he has encouraged me to try something REALLY NEW for me....making a movie!

After going to the Pine Lake Art Salon, in Pine Lake, Georgia, to hear Spencer read from Reel Talk, I wrote a blog celebrating the event. In our dynamic exchanges around the Reel Talk blog entry, Spencer asked me: "Have you ever thought about making a movie using your images?" The answer was, "No." But his question started me thinking, "Why not?"

In ongoing communications with Spencer, he encouraged me, "You have a facility with words and images--that's what movies are about. Why not make a movie?" Hallelujah! I am a SPIRITUAL ART PILGRIM on a JOURNEY. My character Hallelujah has been searching for an adventure...could I make an animation?

When I asked Spencer to tell me more of what he had in mind about me making a movie, he had a wonderful surprise for me--the first two lessons of ten about how to begin making a movie! Spencer was volunteering to MENTOR Hallelujah Truth! 

The first two lessons Spencer gave me include becoming familiar with the kind of animation I like and analyzing my reasons for liking it. Spencer had generously named several animations for me to study along with how to locate them on the internet. Then he told me to start identifying computer programs for animation and to start looking for animators to have conversations with.

Am I frightened about who I might be on this new JOURNEY? Can I walk this way and make an animation? A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step! Let's see where this SOJOURN with Spencer, writer, educator, and film-maker will take me.

That's Coffee with Halllelujah. Soul Blog with me and tell me where your JOURNEY is taking you. Hallelujah for the magic of friendship, sojourn, and creativity! Thank you Spencer Moon, Hallelujah Truth Mentor!

UNIVERSE UNFOLDING FROM HALLELUJAH. Brainstorming for an idea about a movie I would like to tell. From a drawing perspective, it would be FUN to begin with a dot, like a small ball of energy, and to have that energy explode into Hallelujah. A creation myth following the path of stars! Now, that is filled with exciting Hallelujah imagery!


  1. I love the idea of your making a movie using your art--your art which I love I should add. That will be a great adventure I'm sure, and something that will enliven others, too.

    1. Dear Gaea! Big intake of breath! You make me breathe happily with the thrill of my own excitement and yours! Thank you!

  2. This is indeed exciting. I'd like to learn how to do an animation too. I tried to tech myself Flash online last summer and I just couldn't get it. Too much info for what I think I need. I gave up.
    Want to share the journey?

  3. SEE appropriate to be a SPIRITUAL ART PILGRIM with you and find once again we are on the same PATH! Learning and sharing animation technologies together! YES! Sign me up!
