
Thursday, December 13, 2012

#REVERB12 (Day 13): Please post your favourite picture of yourself from 2012, self-portrait or otherwise!

PORTRAIT OF A BLOGGING INSTRUCTOR(Fall 2 2012) . We are all saying, "YES. Yes. Yes." (photo by Geng Li)

#REVERB12 (Day 13) PROMPT:  Please post your favourite picture of yourself from 2012, self-portrait or otherwise!

2012 has been a BIG BIG year for me BREAKING OUT from old ways of teaching English as a Second Language and JUMPING IN to new methodologies and subject matter!  Therefore, my favourite picture of me for 2012 is any group photo with my students displaying a relationship that was built through this exploration into HAVING FUN while instructing what I love--Improvisation and Blogging!

For today's #Reverb12 prompt, I want to celebrate the students in my Blogging for a World Audience class, their theme based blogs, and the awards they received from their classmates who developed the award categories and voted! Here are their portraits. Many wrote using personas! Enjoy!

MOST FUNNY AND BEAUTIFUL. See Now Hurray's blog, Peach Pancake Vacation (all student portraits by Hallelujah Truth)

MOST PROFOUND AND ACADEMIC. See Grothendiek's Follower's blog, The Beauty of Math
MOST USEFUL AND ACADEMIC. See the Applier's blog, Simple Complexity
MOST BEAUTIFUL AND ACADEMIC. See the Blue Mather's blog, Fresh Math Breeze
MOST DELICIOUS AND ORIGINAL PICTURES. See the Eater's blog, Eating Memory

MOST ENCOURAGING AND BEST ILLUSTRATED. See Snowflake's blog, Travelling Snowflake

MOST CREATIVE, USEFUL, AND BEAUTIFUL. See Xiao Li's blog, Journey of the Heart
MOST ENCOURAGING. See Prince Sunshine's blog, Red Tears Dancing in the Sunshine

MOST BEAUTIFUL PICTURES. See Anthony Cage's blog, Enjoy Movie, Enjoy Life.
MOST PROFOUND AND CREATIVE. See Shell Bean's blog, Soft Suspended Soul

MOST ORIGINAL. See Gunner's blog, Gunner Thinking.
MOST MOTIVATIONAL. See Summer's blog, Kick Away the Yellow Pig
MOST FUNNY AND INTERESTING. See Chuanle Li's blog, Super Man Loves Science

MOST FUNNY AND USEFUL. See Young Park's blog, Enjoy Life, It's Just Once 

MOST ORIGINAL PICTURES. See Wanderer's blog, Global Footsteps Forever.

THANK YOU BLOGGING CLASS! I appreciate the effort you put into making your theme-based blogs and all the wonderful metaphors, ideas, and images you have given me! (photo by Now Hurray)
 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: As always, thanks to Kat at "I Saw You Dancing," for managing #REVERB12

That's Coffee with Hallelujah! SOUL BLOG with me and tell me what you think of my beautiful students and their blogs! What is your favourite portrait of yourself?

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