
Monday, December 17, 2012

#REVERB12 (Day 17): Did you make a difference to one person in 2012? How?

THE ETERNAL WHEEL OF HOPE.  I know that we as individuals make a difference in each other's lives. For Day 16 of #Reverb12, I wrote about people who inspired me (see this blog). At the same time, I pray that I make a difference in other people's lives like YOURS but will leave it to YOU to acknowledge the gifts I have given YOU. (See the blog I wrote lessons learned regarding mentoring.) I HOPE that my art and musings have impacted YOUR lives in some positive way!(art by Hallelujah Truth)
#REVERB12 (Day 17) PROMPT: Think of one person whose life you made a difference to in 2012. What did you gain from this? How will you continue to make a difference in 2013?

It is my MISSION as a joyful ART PILGRIM BLOGGER to connect and share my ART and reflections with LIKE-MINDED SOULS like YOU. If you are here reading this entry today, perhaps I have made a difference in your life. If so, let me know how. 

I believe that ART heals, instructs, inspires, and adds meaning to our lives. Therefore, I blog to CELEBRATE all of life's CREATIVE FORCE! Do YOU?

The name of my blog, "Coffee with Hallelujah," is a metaphor. It represents spending time with that special part of yourself that I call SOUL. If YOU have time to drink a hot beverage each day, YOU certainly have time to honor your SPIRIT and give birth to something new each day. 


WE ALL BEGIN AT THE HUB OF THE WHEEL. This image began Saturday morning as my Coffee With Hallelujah. I made it to honor the passing of 26 lives who returned to the GREAT MYSTERY after they were murdered in Newtown, Connecticut, this past Friday, December 14, 2012. We are ALL IMPACTED by this tragic event. We must cry and acknowledge the collective pain caused by this violent act. I CREATE ART. Here the woman, who I call MOTHER or the GREAT MYSTERY is holding the wheel of existence and weeping at a cosmic level. Everyone makes a difference. YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE! (art by Hallelujah Truth)
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: As always, thanks to Kat at "I Saw You Dancing," for managing #REVERB12.

SOUL BLOG with me, Hallelujah Truth, and tell me if I have impacted YOU and how! Bless YOU


  1. You indeed have made a difference in my life, Ruth.
    I am amazed by your insights in our Spiritual Art Pilgrim art group as you pierce through my unknown resistance sometimes to a deeper level of seeing my art. You often open me to a new way of thinking and movement. I also want to say I like the painting inspired by those who were killed in the CT school.
    I believe I've made a difference in my grandchildren Jack and Rosie's lives. My way of "playing" is to walk and notice things growing or things laying in the street. We stop for coffee and cake, ride MARTA trains just for fun, and I try to give them my undivided attention in the playground.

  2. You have made a differene in my life!!! :)
