
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

THE SUN IN MY HEAD: Transforming my experience

THE SUN IN MY HEAD. (art by Hallelujah Truth)
Hallelujah for the SUN! Hallelujah for BEING TRANSFORMED by this SUN.  Dear fellow pilgrim, I am in the process of accepting the magic of the phenomenal world! Its powerfulness, its connection to me--my bodyspirit!

This year, I am engaged in two endeavors that are transforming me powerfully and irrevocably:

1) A YEAR TO LIVE. This is a curriculum of reading, writing, meditating and meeting to discuss my life in the context as if it were the last one to live. How challenging, frightening, and engaging. 

2) INTERPLAY. A practice that "takes the best from art, church, and therapy. It playfully reintegrates body and spirit through new ideas and practices and is dedicated to community building, artfulness, fun, and transformation for anyone. (from Phil Porter, Having It All)"

This past Monday (February 17th, 2014), I met with my discussion partner, Cecelia Kane, to discuss "A Year to Live," and we talked about chapter four in Chogyam Trungpa's book, Smile at Fear. In a synchronous way, the chapter is called "The Sun in Your Head." The idea is to plant the SUN, which is a feminine principle, in your brain. By putting this sun in our head, we become wakeful, fearless, gentle, and gracious...thereby becoming a spiritual warrior ready for growth and fertility! 

This reading of the chapter, "The Sun in Your Head," was synchronous for me because I have been envisioning this powerful cleansing light from our Cosmos coming into my bodyspirit through the crown of my head! I have been doing this meditation with the goal of renewing myself, grounding me in my body and connecting me to the Earth through something larger and more powerful than myself.

With InterPlay the focus for me is integrating all components that make up SELF into ONE. Instead of being separated into mind, heart, body, spirit....I am beginning to see mySELF as a BODYSPIRIT. And this way of BEING is transformational....

There is more to share, but for now, that is Coffee With Hallelujah. SOUL BLOG with me and tell me if you have experienced the SUN IN YOUR HEAD!


  1. Your spiritual and artistic growth is becoming you...It is apparent in your art and your writing. Congratulations on your new career successes

    1. Darlene, it always means a lot to me when you stop my blog, have some coffee with Hallelujah and support me! Thank you!

  2. Hallelujah I love starting my day with an image of the sun in my head and your luminous paintings that depict radiance. Also powerful project, writing as if this year were your last, would like to hear more about this. Peace.

    1. Callahan I would love to talk with you about this project, One Year to Live. It is powerful, scary, house cleaning, exciting....YES! And thanks for the word "luminous" with regard to my painting!
