
Thursday, February 27, 2014

TRAVERSING BOUNDARIES: Hallelujah goes to Raleigh, North Carolina

RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA. On one of the last days in February 2014, what could be better than to stroll through the streets of this beautiful southern town. Raleigh is walkable and filled with museums and friendly people. (photo by Hallelujah Truth)
Hallelujah for Atlanta, Georgia, my city! Hallelujah for loving one's home! And then, Hallelujah for moving beyond the boundaries of one's home and venturing forth! Perhaps to Raleigh, North Carolina!
THE UNEXPECTED. How surprising to find this statue of Sir Walter Raleigh adorned in red taffeta! But then travel is filled with surprises! Yes, where we go and what we see is part of a brief moment in time. What will you capture in your day that you will treasure before it passes away? (photo by Hallelujah Truth)
CAM STANDS FOR CONTEMPORARY ART MUSEUM. Today was an important moment in time for me. I was in a new city, and I was alone. My challenge? To have fun seeking what I alone wanted. "What do I want?," I asked myself. "Art, please," I responded, not realizing how much I support and nurture my Chiboogamoo's interests when we are together. Explorations into science would have to wait until the afternoon. That decision was delightful!(photo by Hallelujah Truth)
RALEIGH SELFIE. As a participant in the Facebook Group 365 Feminist Selfies for 2014, I have grown accustomed to taking photos of myself every day, wherever I am. What a fantastic exploration of self, place and time. I suggest you try it. If you are a woman, I suggest you join the FB group. (photo by Hallelujah Truth)
CHOCOLATE AFTER CAM. Wow...who would have thought that Raleigh, North Carolina, would have its very own chocolate factory? After several hours of viewing art, I decadently engaged in sipping chocolate at the Videri Chocolate Factory! (photo by Hallelujah Truth)
ART SPACE. Post chocolate, I continued on foot and sought out more ART! I was so delighted to spend my time in ART SPACE, a fantastic gallery and studio space filled with vast varieties of art! (photo by Hallelujah Truth)
STREET ART. Traversing boundaries often reveals similarities in the surprises. (photo by Hallelujah Truth)
THE BEAUTY IN THE OLD AND NEW. Time collides as cities age and the old folds into new development. We become more than the sum total of our parts. We are that third thing which is difficult to name. (photo by Hallelujah Truth)
WHAT DO THESE ARTIFACTS MEAN? Although a canon is a familiar artifact to me, I no longer know why we have these ancient weapons around our cities. Why do we want reminders of war in our public spaces? Am I the only one who thinks this way? (photo by Hallelujah Truth)

I LOVE THE WORLD! Yes please! How fun to see this huge sculpture here on a street in Raleigh! Was it associated with a bank? (photo by Hallelujah Truth)
THE MUSEUM NATURAL SCIENCE. A  Blue Whale! How awesome is it to see such a huge skeleton suspended from the ceiling?  (photo by Hallelujah Truth)
RALEIGH SEEN FROM THE 17TH FLOOR OF THE SHERATON. Traversing the streets of Raleigh on day one of my visit was supremely pleasurable--even though I was alone. At dusk my Chiboogamoo returned from his Science Online Conference 2014, as I was hotfooting it from the Museum of Natural Science so that we could have appetizers on the 17th floor of our hotel as the sun set over Raleigh. (photo by Hallelujah Truth)
That Coffee with Hallelujah. SOUL BLOG with me and tell me about your traversing boundaries. When  you leave your beloved home, where do you go? Have you been to Raleigh, North Carolina?


  1. Ruth - what a delightful day & blog!!! I had been through Charlotte to visit a friend but had not explored the city - I loved seeing it through your eyes and I LOVE LOVE LOVE all the pictures of the artwork. The Street art with the crows is one of my favorites! Thanks for taking me on this journey with you :)

    1. Christine! It was a delightful Raleigh! I had such a good time LOOKING and SEEING and DISCOVERING!

  2. Enjoyed the tour through Raleigh. I love how you bring everything to life in such a delightful way. It is like I was there with you...especially enjoying that chocolate...I read your blogs every posting but don't always comment on them...Trying to cut back on computer time...
