
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

#C4ward March Blogathon (Day 4): Having it all in thirty years!

HAVING IT ALL. That is me, Hallelujah Truth, front and center with arms outreached! This photo was taken at the Little Five Points Community Center at the Mask Theater on the first Second Saturday of InterPlay lead by Jennifer Denning. The phrase, "Having it All," comes from InterPlay co-founder Phil Porter and the book bearing the same name. In the next thirty years, my plan is to HAVE IT ALL--the integration of body, mind, spirit, and heart. ALL. (photo by Callahan Pope McDonough)
Hallelujah to HAVING IT ALL in the next thirty years! Hallelujah to writing and envisioning my future artmaking, dancing, and being in community with all of you on this vast majestic Earth (prompt for C4ward March Blogathon posted in entirety at the bottom)!

What does HAVING IT ALL mean? Glad you asked! My answer may not be one you expect! HAVING IT ALL means integrating the body, mind, spirit, and heart into one big enchilada! Making decisions--including goals--by being attentive to all the information my existence is providing me, including my body. This is BODY WISDOM!

"Body wisdom is the use of our body knowledge to structure our lives in ways that are beneficial: to us, to others, to the earth, or to all of creation."
--Phil Porter, Having It All

1. DANCER (body listener)
2. VISIONARY (artist, blogger, graphic novelist)
3. ILLUSTRATOR/BLOGGER (science outreach, conservation, feminism, ichnology)
4. INTERPLAY LEADER (spiritualist, activist, performer)
5. CREATIVITY CONSULTANT (supporter of the individual's creative needs)
6. COMMUNITY BUILDER/SPEAKER (The Daily Creative Practice, WCAGA, blogathons, local arts movement, speaker 12 times a year)

1. DANCER--Experienced in creative movement of all varieties
2. VISIONARY--Published 1 graphic novel about Hallelujah Truth, learned basic animation skills
3. ILLUSTRATOR/BLOGGER--Illustrated and published 5 books on local Georgia conservation issues in collaboration with scientists; published a book of Paleontologist Barbie Interviews from my blog; and along with my husband, made the word "ichnology" a household name
PALEONTOLOGIST BARBIE IN THE JAWS OF A FOSSIL WHALE.  My husband, Tony Martin, channels Paleontologist Barbie after he had drunk a second beer. Our interviews are usually conducted at a local pub, The Marlay, in our Decatur, Georgia, neighborhood. We do these interviews with several goals in mind: 1) fun quality time 2) collaboration and communication enhancement for our marriage 3) science outreach 4) encouraging and supporting girls' interests in science. Visit this link for more about Paleontologist Barbie interviews. (photo by Tony Martin)
4. INTERPLAY LEADER--As a seasoned InterPlay leader, I conduct regular InterPlay sessions in Atlanta and co-create local InterPlay performances to support positive change in my community
5. CREATIVITY CONSULTANT--Sustained financially through my work in supporting creative desires in others
6. COMMUNITY BUILDER/SPEAKER--Build and sustain the momentum I have created now.

1. DANCER--Dance at every opportunity understanding how to integrate body, mind, heart, and spirit
2. VISIONARY--Plan outline for Hallelujah Truth graphic novel, find mentor, take an animation class
HALLELUJAH TRUTH (Art by Hallelujah Truth)
3. ILLUSTRATOR--Complete the illustrations for the American oystercatcher book and find a publisher, catch up on interviews with Paleontologist Barbie, find a way to collaborate with Tony Martin on the topic of ichnology
4. INTERPLAY LEADER--Finish up Life Practice Program and enroll in Leadership training; plan, develop, and participate in the Atlanta InterPlay Performance group
5. CREATIVITY CONSULTANT--Develop website content, launch business, get clients
6. COMMUNITY BUILDER--Continue The Daily Creative Practice on Facebook, play an active role in WCAGA, develop two other blogathons, and gather local artists 3 times to develop work explicitly about our community, region, state
THE DAILY CREATIVE PRACTICE. Join me and others celebrating and sharing the outcomes of our daily creative practice on this Facebook group: THE DAILY CREATIVE PRACTICE. I started this group a year ago March and it is a loving warm community of supportive creatives. You are invited! (Art by Hallelujah Truth)

Right now, I am not certain how I am going to HAVE IT ALL as I go about living my life inhabiting these structures. I know that framing my life in context of integrating body, mind, heart, and spirit is a good thing.

"Don't waste your body knowledge--use it. It is good to know what patterns are, but it is great when we can use this information to create better lives." 
--Phil Porter, Having It All

That's Coffee with Hallelujah! SOUL BLOG with me and tell me what you might be doing in the next 30 years! Will you be HAVING IT ALL?

#C4ward March Blogathon (Day 4) Prompt: 
Today, on the fourth day of the C4ward March Blogathon, go easy on yourself. Lean back, prop your feet up and dream big making lists of your future artistic goals. It’s up to you how much you write, but remember a list is short!  You can include personal as well as professional or creative goals in this exercise.  We can't stress this enough: Write each list (take 2-5 minutes) before reading the next prompt for the best results!

3 LISTS OF FUTURE GOALS (Personal as well as Artistic and/or Professional):
1) List FIVE GOALS you would like to achieve in the NEXT 30 YEARS (or 10, or 20 years… think long term). Take 2-5 minutes to write these down, then move on to the next question...

2) Now, thinking of the above far-reaching goals, list FIVE GOALS you need to accomplish in the NEXT FIVE YEARS to move towards achieving them. (Some of these might be the same as your goals above.  That’s okay!). Take 2-5 minutes to write these down, then move on to the next question...

3) Finally, list FIVE GOALS to be accomplished in the NEXT 12 MONTHS... as if it were the last year of your life! What will you have accomplished by March 4th , 2015?

EXTRAS FOR CONSIDERATION: What experience did you have just now writing these lists of your future goals? Did you make any discoveries? Did stripping away the surety of time to accomplish what you most wish to do change your priorities? How can you incorporate those revealed priorities into your daily creative practice? What visual image can you post with this blog entry that would embody the spirit of your future goals?


  1. You have done it again Ruth. Inspired me to go way beyond what I ever envisioned I would or could do in my lifetime..I am inspired, I am enthused, I am excited and I am hopeful. Thank you again for being a great leader, mentor and all around fine, fun, friend.

    1. Darlene I am so glad we mutually support and inspire each other. I look forward to reading your blog on this topic.

  2. I especially like the Community Builder goals of bringing more artists into community. The Blogathon is a stellar example of making this happen. Kudos to you for your vision and energy!

    1. Thanks so much Maggie! I am thrilled to meet you and to be witnessing your work and ideas.

  3. I joined your Facebook group - it looks pretty active and I like having it somewhat "local" - to connect with people i might actually meet! I too plan on getting more involved with WCAGA - I went to the last art share for 20 minutes (because I had work deadlines) I chair the book club for them - come on sometime! We are actually meeting this week at my house - read a bio on Rauschenberg - looking for other suggestions - love to have you - it is usually a pretty small group!

    1. Vickie! I have read some of the books on the reading list and have had the best intentions of coming for the discussion. I think the time is usually on an afternoon during the weekend, which is a challenging time for me. Welcome to The Daily Creative Practice! And to community building!

  4. Yes!!! to having it all Ruth. I love your goal. It's inspiring me to stretch even further.

  5. Glory be Hallelujah Truth your cup runneth over and what a beautiful flow of life and art and play and community it is ! Love your energy and exuberance. Please keep it up we all are the lucky beneficiaries. Love u.
