
Friday, March 7, 2014

#C4ward March Blogathon (Day 7): My studio space exalts my inner vision

Hallelujah for CREATIVE SPACES! Hallelujah for BEING in the physical space that exalts your inner vision!

I know MYSELF and the needs I have to support my art making.  Respecting this inner authority, I have structured my creative life like this: 

AT HOME. I make my art at the dining room table in our Decatur, Georgia home. My work gets moved to eat any of our meals unless we choose to eat picnic style on the living room floor with big pillows. (photo by Tony Martin)
CONCENTRATING WITH CAT COMPANIONSHIP.  I thrive at home with my feline companions. Here, Tao helps me concentrate on what is important--love, purring, fur sensation. Some people want me to "prove" I'm artist by showing them my studio. Really? Making art in the center of my home comforts and exalts my life. I feel more present to me. (photo by Tony Martin)

SAPELO PRESENCE.  Cat companionship fulfills a visceral need I have to be centered. Sapelo likes to sit behind me on a bench when I am drawing. And, as you can see, my table is more than satisfactory for drawing daily. (photo by Hallelujah Truth)
ANY TIME OF THE DAY.  Beer-thirty, the other side of the day, from when I rise to make my art, I return to my art making table to blog. Playing my music, burning my incense, sipping craft beer in the presence of my kitties and boon companion, Chiboogamoo, who took this picture and poured my beer. (photo by Tony Martin)

HOUSEHOLD HUMAN COMPANIONSHIP.  I consider myself one lucky art maker! I searched the world for a boon art making companion until I finally found him--Chiboogamoo (a.k.a. Tony Martin) in my early 40's. My goal seeking mission? To find another human being to co-create with--SEPARATELY. The plan? To honor each other's creative needs, co-schedule when we make art and write and do it at the same time in separate but nearby spaces. My arrangement with Chiboogamoo? We rise early in the morning to the sound of an alarm clock. One of us makes hot beverages and sees to our felines' needs. My Honey works upstairs. I work downstairs.  For approximately two hours. We share the cat attention. Then we eat breakfast. Divine satisfaction for us both. (photo by Hallelujah Truth)
That's Coffee with Hallelujah! SOUL BLOG with me. Tell me your thoughts about my studio and what you know about the space you need to create!


Photo Friday: Your Creative Space

C4ward March Blogathon: Day 7 Prompt

Today and next Friday are PHOTO FRIDAYS with a theme. PHOTO FRIDAY is day where you can write nothing or something. It is up to you! Part of blogging every day is finding ways to make it sustainable. Having one day out of every week that requires only photos can provide a much needed break from using words. Today’s theme for your photos is to show us your creative environment in 5 to 7 photographs (fewer or more if you want).

Interpret “your creative environment” in any way that fires you up and embodies your artistic self. What do you want to show your viewers about the space your imagination inhabits and works in?

Literal spaces: studios, classrooms, theatres, offices, streets, stages, clubs

Figurative spaces: your mind, body, the cosmos, the source

Tools of your trade: canvases, brushes, keyboards, puppets, microphones, costumes, computers, inks, paints, fiber, sewing machines, cameras

Creative outcomes:  Various images of your work, perhaps in different stages of development or format

Companions: You or others pictured in your creative environment, including animal companions

Anything else?


  1. Love the Pictures of you working and being Creative!!!

    1. Christine I recommend having pictures taken while you are creating. You will treasure them as time goes on. Then they are useful for using in blogs. Most of these or all of them were taken with an I-phone.

  2. Your spaces look warm and inviting. And how wonderful to have the loving companions. I can see why creative pursuits abound.

    1. Helen thank you for seeing the love and knowing how that love supports me in my creativity.

  3. What a wonderful "studio" you have created with your constant companions...Love, love, love the photos

    1. I'm so glad we love seeing each others creative spaces. I feel like I have visited your home and maybe you feel like that with me.

  4. Oooh I love your comments about your partnership. So fine to have a companion in tune together. Love the pictures. Feels so warm and friendly.

  5. I love the way you create! I think it is simply DIVINE! And your studio is within anyway, right?!
