
Monday, April 7, 2014

Thinking outside of the box? Or in it? Life Layers of Word and Image

THINKING OUTSIDE OF THE BOX WHILE IN THE BOX. Funny that "thinking outside of the box" regarding my artmaking materials meant drawing images within two boxes of multiple-boxed Chinese characters. (Art by Hallelujah Truth)
Hallelujah for PASSIONATE KNOWLEDGE! Hallelujah for communities like "The Daily Creative Practice" (see here) for sharing that knowledge with such fervor, such love! 

Today's Funday Monday prompt was to think outside the box when art making. Since much of my art making is driven by my morning meditation and repetitive drawings of Hallelujah Truth and companions from my psyche on blank white paper, I allowed this prompt give me permission to use a different paper source: recycled RUTH papers.

As I have been cleaning out my "room of shame"--the spare bedroom, which has acquired the stuff of life (ESL materials, art studio stuff, and previous lifetime belongings), I discovered my Chinese writing homework when I was studying that language in my twenties. Since I had taken great effort in carefully learning the Chinese characters, I hesitated to throw pages of my Chinese handwriting away. And then...
NAME THAT CHINESE POEM. Dear readers if you perchance can name the poem I was studying by the vocabulary presented here, please let me know. Words meaning "to be conscious of," "to know," "to dream," "passionate love," and "heavy" seems like a poem about about plum ripening. (Art by Hallelujah Truth)
I asked myself, why not draw on top of these characters? I have realized as time goes on that the background of my drawings and paintings lack the texture that other artists implement in theirs. I haven't wanted to busy my backgrounds with random texture but have chosen instead to use "dots" to create flows of energy and expansion. But today I was summoned to write on top of my Chinese handwriting!
LIMITLESS, MEANING, FACE TOWARD. Layers of my life in language and image. Hallelujah, Wandjina, Great Mystery and Two Cats meet meaningful Chinese characters. (Art by Hallelujah Truth)
It wasn't until now--today--that I had found a way to merge meaningfully my past studious nature with my current artistic self. During my teens, 20's, and early 30's, I dabbled in learning French, German, Chinese, Russian, and Spanish languages with oddball moderate success and some failure. 

Let my ART layer itself upon the LANGUAGE of my YOUTH. Yes, here, we have layers of my RUTHTRUTH LIFE. I feel somewhat satisfied.

That's Coffee with Hallelujah! SOUL BLOG with me! How would you exhibit the layers of your life while thinking outside of the box?


  1. omg Ruth, this is just brilliant. Love your idea of drawing ontop of something that you previously used. The texture is awesome and adds pattern to the artwork. Beautiful work!

  2. Thank Corps 18! I would love to know more about you and the creative work you do.

  3. I agree. This piece is beautiful. The background not only adds texture, but for me carries a mysterious layer of meaning. Knowing its connection to your past is also another layer.

    1. Dear SEE SEE! You know I count on you for counsel and for depth and for SOUL. Thank you!

  4. Reusing or integrating papers into your substrate page is a wonderful way to add even greater personal authenticity into your art. A whole new world of mixed media art awaits you, Ruth!! You will never look at the paper or books on your desk the same way again!! A beautiful post.

    1. Carol thank you for all that you add to my life! In just a short time, you have given me so much warmth and support. In addition, as a creative artist, you have shared so much of your process that you have gotten me to think in different ways. What a great prompt!

  5. i love this - a little archeology going on here! The layers of your youth - but it also create the layers of who you are today! Love the Ruth Truth that came out of this!!!!

  6. It seems like I have commented on this before but since I don't see it listed I will do it now...I am so glad to see you using the papers for your art work. I love repurposing anything and making art is a good way to do it.I am looking forward to the day you add even more depth to your art in different ways but for now they are all beautiful and wonderful to look at and contemplate. Thank you. You are a wonderful artist and interesting person and I enjoy all that you post.
