
Friday, February 20, 2015

SAVORING THE MOVEABLE FEAST OF LIFE: Learning to "eat" the experience through dance

SAVORING THE MOVEABLE FEAST OF LIFE. Having the experience. (image (c) Hallelujah Truth)
Hallelujah for the MOVEABLE FEASTS of life! Hallelujah for savoring it all! Hallelujah for the challenge and opportunity to EAT THE EXPERIENCE!

As many of my readers know, I am finding a way to savor my life through InterPlay. Currently, I am going deeper into the MOVEAVABLE FEAST of my life by participating in InterPlay co-founder Cynthia Winton-Henry's Monday night online dance class, "Dancing the Ruby Way." 

On one of the first Monday nights in February 2015, Cynthia encouraged us as we danced, to "eat the experience." This invitation to "have" MY experience and to eat it, challenged and engaged me. I'm still "playing" with the idea both in my body and visualizations to see what it would feel and look like to "eat" my moveable feast, my dance, my body engaged in the dance.

Cynthia writes in her book,

  “Your dance grows from following YOUR energy, YOUR individual curiosity about experience, and YOUR intentions. Your body has it owns agenda, its own vocabulary, and its own necessary the way YOU dance."

The other morning, I awoke with images of growth connected to the idea of rest, which led me to think about sustainability of myself and the larger picture of the EARTH's sustainability. I felt that my ability to  "have" the experience of life's moveable feast is somehow connected to my being rested and open to these energies of my spirit and those spirits or energies outside of my spirit. 

If I am to help sustain the EARTH, which is in crisis, I must first learn how to sustain myself.  We are all learning how to be better caretakers of ourselves, to get enough sleep, find grace and gracemakers, play, and engage meaningfully with others and in our work.

I'm excited about finding self sustainability through the DANCE and creating visual images. What an awesome invitation to "eat" of my life and to engage in the sensations and information my  body offers me. What about you?
MYSTERY OF THE FEAST. (image (c) Hallelujah Truth
That's Coffee with Hallelujah. SOUL BLOG with me and share your MOVEABLE FEASTS of life with me. 

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