
Thursday, March 26, 2015

SPRINGING INTO "Embodying the Mother" in collaboration with another who sees, hears, and meets me where I am

THE NOVICE PILGRIM. (image (c) by Hallelujah Truth)
Hallelujah for the CREATIVE PROCESS! Hallelujah for being open to NEW ways of BEING! And Hallelujah to COLLABORATION with others on this miraculous journey!

2015 is such a rich and full year expanding out into SPRING right now. I find myself so thankful for having the opportunity to explore my SOUL through dance, word, image, and friendship. 

On the last Tuesday in February, I took in a deep breath, signed up, and attended my first session for Fieldwork--a forum for artists (originating in NYC) to test their ideas over a ten-week period, gain insights from feedback, and craft a performable event. 
FIELD IN PROGRESS. At the conclusion of our performance on Tuesday, March 24, in Fieldwork at Core in Decatur, Georgia, we got feedback. Lynn Hess is on the far right. I'm the one taking the photo. My art is displayed on the easel, chairs and next to Lynn. My performance includes making art in front of an audience as an avenue to "embody the mother." (photo by me, Hallelujah Truth)
But I was not alone nor did I find this pathway by myself! Creative Pilgrims! WE ARE NOT ALONE! There are others who SEE us, HEAR us, and MEET us where we are. Lynn Hesse is one of those people! 

A year ago SPRING, I supported her Fieldwork piece, "Love in Full Life and Length," (see my blog about this experience) as a guest artist using the InterPlay form of telling a side-by-side story. This SPRING, Lynn heard and answered my yearnings to collaborate on a performance to "embody the mother."
THE MOTHER AND SACRED BLUE (image (c)by Hallelujah Truth)
We have been in process of creating "Embody the Mother" now for six weeks. With Lynn as a word artist and me as a visual artist, we use a third element of dance to connect us. 

UNCOILING MOTHER. (image (c) by Hallelujah Truth)
Oh! What discoveries we are making together about our own CREATIVITY, process, collaboration, and responding to feedback. And, Lynn, well she is a seasoned performer, and she is SHOWING ME THE WAY

Thank you Lynn for the depth, height, passion and resourcefulness of your kind, kind SOUL

CREATIVE PILGRIMS! You are invited to stay tuned for updates about our performance piece as we present it to different audiences over time. Our first trial will be at the Pine Lake Art Salon in Pine Lake, Georgia, which is well known for its gentle reception and helpful feedback.

That's Coffee with Hallelujah! SOUL BLOG with me about your way of BEING and what NEW pathways you might travel!



  1. I love Fieldwork, its philosophy and the artists involved. Your images are so fresh and beautiful!

  2. Cecelia! Oh I have missed your visits to my blog! Thank you! Thank you for finding your way here again! I would like to know about your work with Field....what did you do? And I am taking in your words "fresh and beautiful"! Thank you!
