
Tuesday, November 8, 2016

GRATITUDE DAY #2: I'm thankful for the order of the United States and that today is Presidential Election Day!

I LOVE MY COUNTRY. For all the wonders and good things that my country, the United States gets right, I am thankful. Today's Daily Creative Practice image resulted from my sincere thanks for the garbage collection that occurs today and every Tuesday in my city of Decatur. Thank you. Is my image symbolic? Perhaps that the "trashing" of our political system that has been prevalent in 2016 will be taken out with the election of the 45th President. Let's focus on solving our problems systematically with love. (art by Hallelujah Truth, aka Ruth Schowalter)
Hallelujah for TIME for it cures most wounds. Hallelujah for the orderliness that we have in this country of the United States. We are fortunate. 

As we select our 45th American President today, I am thankful for simple things that are vast in their simplicity.

I am thankful for...

our democracy and the freedom that we have as United States citizens...

our opportunity to elect our country's leaders...

the actions we can take to make the changes we think our country needs... 

and there is so much more....

However, as Americans go to vote today, I am satisfied that we have our organized municipalities, states, and nation. We are so fortunate!

Since today is garbage collection day in my quaint city of Decatur, Georgia, I want to embrace those individuals in big trucks that come and remove the trash from our individual households. All the systems that work in our country at every level. We have electricity, water, and gas. Our streets are maintained. There is law and order. 

I know there are many things to improve, so let's move forward to solve those problems together. Let's use our TIME productively and in harmony.

That's Coffee with Hallelujah. What are you thinking about today on this historic election day? SOUL BLOG with me. Share your views.
GRATITUDE PRACTICE. Join me in creating and expressing gratitude from now until Thanksgiving 2016. You are invited to post your CREATIONS on the Daily Creative Practice on Facebook. We are a warm online community that applauds your creative work. Thanks to Tony Martin, my companion in the Daily Creative Practice and who took this photo of me. I am the Hallelujah of this blog, Coffee with Hallelujah. If you have time for a cup of coffee, you have time to create. Will you take that time today?

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