
Monday, December 3, 2012

#REVERB12 (Day 3): What is one thing you really wish to do? What steps could you take to accomplish it in 2013?

CERTAINTY OF MOTHERLY LOVE. I envisioned  "the mother in me" being a ladder which I can climb. During the process of climbing, I am comforted even before I arrive in her all embracing arms. This is one of the images that I have made for the book, The Mother In Me that I want to complete writing and drawing some day. In 2013? (art and words by Hallelujah Truth)
#Reverb12: Day 3 Blogging Prompt--

What is one thing that you really wish to do that you just haven't had the chance to accomplish yet? What steps could you take (however small) to ensure that you accomplish this thing in 2013?

For me, I have chosen a much beloved project of mine, one I think may have universal feminine appeal. It is my book of words and images I am calling THE MOTHER IN ME: A Book for All of Us Girls.
SUMMER SOLSTICE. Here are "both" selves in one "girl." The child needing guidance and the nurturing mother. I envision a dynamic interplay between the inner mother-daughter that fosters tremendous spiritual growth. (art by Hallelujah Truth)

The idea for this book began in March 2009 to nurture myself with my own concept of mothering. I needed to comfort myself from the despair I felt daily and a deep hunger for love that I was experiencing. This need couldn't be answered on the "outside." I was compelled to fall into my SOUL, to listen to my yearnings, and decide what actions I would take to address them. 

As a visual artist, I delighted in listening to the little girl in me and visualizing what my "internal" mother would look like. When I saw star hair, I laughed at the idea of having such an ephemeral haired mother! I drew her. You see "the mother in me" in these images has glorious stars for hair! Then I created me, the little girl, usually wearing a yellow dress and looking slightly like a brown-haired Alice in Wonderland. 

This past summer (2012), I opened up and expanded the idea from thinking of these images as separate pieces of art with words to putting them together to make a book that would be for "girls" of all ages. In one scenario, I see real mothers reading this book with their young daughters to facilitate sharing and discussing feelings. In another scenario, I imagine adult women reading this book as a way to cultivate their inner psychological mothers en route to establishing new more nurturing behaviors toward themselves.

SAY IT AS MANY TIMES AS YOU NEED TO. Some times, we just need to really say "ouch." If we can't change the hurt, we can validate it by acknowledging it--OUCH! (art by Hallelujah Truth)
What are the steps I need to take to complete this collection of images of The Mother In Me and make it into a completed manuscript?:

1. Redraw and repaint these "idea" images for consistency and clarity

2. Determine the number of images needed for a completed manuscript (research)

3. Continue to make new images that address important self-mothering issues

4. Consult others who will provide constructive feedback for these areas: writing, images, publishing

5. Learn how to make a ready to publish document (Amazon's Create

That's Coffee with Hallelujah! Do you PILGRIMS have any comments or suggestions for me regarding my future book, The Mother In Me? What is one thing you wish to have accomplished by the end of 2013? SOUL BLOG with me and tell me. Hallelujah for FULFILLED WISHES!

Hurray for Kat who lives in Melbourne, Australia, and blogs at "I Saw You Dancing." and is hosting Reverb12. Pilgrims, I suggest you go there and sign up to blog with others from around the world!


  1. Great question! As an artist, I'd love to have gallery representation.I've tried in small ways for years. Three times I managed to get a gallery director to come to my studio without any results. What to do now? 1. Invite another gallery director to visit. Do that soon by email and see what happens. Or 2. think of alternatives??? Investigate web galleries perhaps?

    1. Dear See See, I hope you will take those actions! You know how much I love your work; it should be seen by many others. Let's talk more about this!

  2. This s fantastic Ruth! Oh, we need a book like this. I would buy one for me, one for each of my daughters and one for many friends. We so so so so so need this!

    Yay for coming across you at this precise moment. I adore your work!

    Here's more reverbing from me!

    1. Thank you for your encouraging words Julie. You make it more real for me when you say that you would get one for your daughters!

      Nice seeing you here Reverbing!
