
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

#REVERB12 (DAY 4): How will you celebrate YOU? this festive season?

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Three times HALLELUJAH! Along with #REVERB12, comes the FESTIVE season! As the days grow darker with fewer hours of daylight, we turn to our winter celebrations to bring good cheer and hope to our SOULS! Today's prompt for #REVERB12 is this:

How are you going to celebrate your self this festive season? 

This is an EXCELLENT QUESTION! During this time of year, it is often the "SELF" that gets sacrificed in service to others. Isn't it possible to meet the needs of others and maintain sanctity with yourself? 

To ensure that I continue to honor and celebrate myself during the upcoming days of December, I am making a pledge to LISTEN to MYSELF, REALLY LISTEN

HONOR YOURSELF BY LEANING IN AND HEARING WHAT IS IMPORTANT TO YOU. Remember everything is negotiable, but before you can negotiate, you have to know what you want and need. (art by Hallelujah Truth)

In addition, to LISTENING to MYSELF, I pledge to CELEBRATE MYSELF by experimenting with different ways of SPEAKING to MYSELF. This form of celebratory talking requires repetition and flexibility! Hurray! It is fun to try on new ways of expressing MY NEEDS in order to present a festive holiday gatherings!

Paula Underwood Spencer, a native American wrote this:

If you want to be truly understood,
you need to say everything three times,
in three different ways.

Once for each ear...
and once for the heart.
SPEAKING THE LANGUAGE OF CREATION. For me, the snake symbolizes infinity, persistent and consistent revolutions of the mind. Constant insistent change--a molting of skins as a release to new ways of BEING(art by Hallelujah Truth)
When we SPEAK to the SELF, just as when we SPEAK to others, we need to be patient. We need to be creative in our expressions. To truly understand MYSELF during the next 27 days, I pledge to say the important things to MYSELF three times, in three different ways. The third time I SPEAK, I will lean into my SOUL, MY HEART. And I will LISTEN, truly LISTEN.

Therefore, this is my pledge for the festive season 2012:

This FESTIVE SEASON, I will CELEBRATE MYSELF both by TRULY SPEAKING AND LISTENING to what I want and need in order to celebrate with others!

That's Coffee With Hallelujah! SOUL BLOG with me and answer this question of how you will celebrate yourself in the upcoming days of the festive season! Also tell me if you really listen to yourself!

Hurray for Kat who lives in Melbourne, Australia, and blogs at "I Saw You Dancing." and is hosting Reverb12. Pilgrims, I suggest you go there and sign up to blog with others from around the world!

1 comment:

  1. Boy, that's a tough question. Mostly i just want to get through the season and hope that the gifts I choose make the recipients happy. The first thing that comes to mind is to just eat donuts and drink wine or champagne or margaritas all Christmas day after the grandkids open their gifts. I plan on performing a kids story about cats and wings as a surprise.
