
Sunday, January 13, 2013


Hallelujah for DANCE CHURCH! In my small community of Decatur, Georgia, DANCE CHURCH takes place on the second Sunday of every month. Local citizens gather together, bringing music, objects for an temporary altar, and the SPIRIT to MOVE!

Since I have dedicated myself to MOVEMENT for 2013, I journeyed out to DANCE CHURCH on this second Sunday in January and was enlivened!

DANCE CHURCH has been happening in Santa Cruz, California, since 2002, and our community of Decatur was fortunate enough to have Louise Runyon begin one for our community in 2008. On her performance company's webpage, she describes DANCE CHURCH:

“Dance Church” is a diverse gathering to honor the body/spirit connection, celebrate life, and build community through improvisational movement, artistic expression, and an openness to the sacred however defined.

Do your yoga, stretch, roll around on the floor, boogie; dance alone, with another, with others; connect with your own spirit and that of whatever may be greater. A circle will begin and end the gathering and a variety of music will be played.

WANDJINA ENLIVENED.  (art by Hallelujah Truth)
For those of you who read my blog, Coffee with Hallelujah, you already know that I  am fascinated by and engaged in IMPROVISATIONAL ACTS OF THE SPIRIT! I make improvisational visual art daily as my 15 minutes of creativity. And in recent years, I have been taking improv acting and voice classes in the past few years. I am delighted now to add MOVEMENT to my repertoire of creative pleasures!

Hallelujah For DANCE CHURCH DECATUR! Thank you Louise Runyon! Dear SOUL BLOGGERS what improvisational act of spirit will you create today? That's Coffee with Hallelujah!
ABOUT THIS IMAGE. Wandjina, a Australian Creation God, has entered my psyche representing my animus. I entertain him in my drawings when he wants to appear. I began this image 2 weeks ago with my Spiritual Art Pilgrim group and finished it only yesterday. After moving with the DANCE CHURCH today, I felt my world of visual art and movement merge! Hallelujah for CREATIVITY and IMPROVISATIONAL ACTS OF THE SPIRIT, like this blog! (art by Hallelujah Truth and transformed by DANCE CHURCH and photoshop!)


  1. My Shambhala meditation instructor, Carol Williams often goes to Dance Church. She loves it too.

  2. Replies
    1. Blue Fire! I wish you were here in Decatur to dance with us, but I bet your creative community would love to start one of these dance churches! Big hugs to you!
