
Monday, December 16, 2013

REVERB13 ( Day #16): Wrestling and winning with the addiction or HABIT of BEING me

THE HABIT OF BEING ME. (Selfie by Hallelujah Truth)
Hallelujah for BEING! Hallelujah for the HABIT of BEING and making that a positive addiction! 

Today's prompt for REVERB13 (Day #16) from Kat McNally is about the grip that negative habits or addictions can have on us. (see the end of this blog for the prompt in entirety).

For several years now (since 2009 and the beginning of Coffee With Hallelujah) I have been confronting my WAY OF BEING in the world head on--with gusto--which included transforming "negative" habits that prevented me from moving forward. 
PAST NEGATIVE HABITS. I believe I have been successful in "managing" my negative habits enough to refer to them as "past." Now, if the skies are "darkened" in my life by these habits, I recognize them and know what to do! (Photo by Hallelujah Truth of the High Museum in Atlanta, Georgia, 2013)

FROM THE PAST: Some of my most memorable "negative" habits were:
"EFFORTING"--Exhausting myself in efforts to prove my worthiness both in my teaching and art making. 

TAKING THINGS TOO PERSONALLY--Feeling responsible for other people's behavior and seeing it as a reflection of me.

SPEAKING WITHOUT INTEGRITY--Talking about others disrespectfully and without compassion (and myself).

NOT BEING IN THE BODY--Being dedicated solely to the SOUL and absenting myself from physical well-being.

DESPAIRING--Experiencing helplessness to make positive changes in my life.

However, 2013 has been one of culminating change achieved while working alone, in partnership, and with magnificent community.

ACTIONS TAKEN IN 2013: Transforming negative habits through new ones:

DRAWING FOR 15 MINUTES A DAY THEN STOPPING--Upon waking, I have practiced the habit of  meditative drawing for several years and have blogged about this practice a number of times (here, here, and here). During 2013, I felt myself "efforting" at my morning habit of meditative drawing and have experimented with "taking a break" to see what will come forth in its place.

BLOGGING and FACEBOOK--In 2013, I have found a more objective way to be connected with others with while remaining in solitude. I have the habit of writing blog entries, as well as moderating a Facebook Group, THE DAILY CREATIVE PRACTICE, from the quietude of my home. In this habit, I am alone but not alone. The habit has allowed me to lower my expectations of responses in the form of written comments on my blog or "likes"and submissions on Facebook. 

I have the habit of proclaiming, "The world is a large and wonderous place. Those who enter my world, WELCOME!" This positive habit of practicing HALLELUJAHS to those who do respond to me and my blog writing enlivens me! This and the positive engagement with other people's creative work has transformed me into an ECSTATIC!

REVELING IN CREATIVITY COACHING--2013 was a magnificent year for being in partnership with my creativity coach, Lesly Fredman. IT WAS A WEEKLY HABIT! Trusting the intuition of another human being who listens is an awesome and transformative experience. Although I have stopped coaching with Lesly for now because of financial reasons (leaving a job of 20 years means zero income), I treasure the person I am now because of our collaboration and the momentum it has given me. I am propelling myself into 2014 with the juices from the labor of habit.

SEEKING JOY IN COLLABORATION WITH A SCIENTIST--Jenifer Hilburn and I established the positive habit of meeting regularly to establish the foundations of our book, The Life-Cycle of the American Oystercatcher. This "habit" is still in formation, and I look forward to what the practice of collaboration will bring in 2014. 
MAKING IT A HABIT TO COLLABORATE.  Here at the 2013 Georgia Literary Festival, I explain my way of new way of BEING in collaboration with the scientist Jenifer Hilburn, an ornithologist working on the Georgia coast. We are pictured together in the center of this powerpoint slide in a boat off St. Catherine Island, where Jen was doing a American oystercatcher count. (Photo by Tony Martin)

My wonderful, companionable husband and I practice the habit of saying, "I LOVE YOU." We want to say it more and more and more. 2014, here comes multiple, "I LOVE YOU'S"!!!

INTERPLAY, DANCING FLOWERS FOR PEACE, 5 RHYTHMS, DANCE CHURCH, IMPROVING--2013 was a magnificent year for playing, dancing, and making things up with other PLAYERS and DANCERS!!! I plan to amplify this habit in 2014! Watch ME!
ATLANTA INTERPLAY (2013). Making it a habit to play in community using the tools and forms of InterPlay was a new behavior for me. I'm there in the center right. Can you see how happy I am! (Photo by Stell Simonton)

FACEBOOK GROUP, THE DAILY CREATIVE PRACTICE--In March 2013, I created a new fantastic HABIT OF BEING! I invited the world of Facebook creatives to share their uniquities with me and their processes on a daily basis. We now art at 387 members! Wow! Please join us!

In conclusion, "What will you I differently in the year to come?" Much more of the same HABIT OF BEING! I plan on going deeper and wider. Join me!

That's Coffee With Hallelujah! SOUL BLOG with me and whisper, speak, or shout your HALLELUJAH HABITS!

Habits and addictions, some are silly, some serious; when we have issues without answers, they can hold us so tight that we stop moving forward with the life we intended. Were you able to loosen those fetters this year, and if you were successful, how did you manage it? Did you accept outside help, or work alone?
If you still feel that grasp of addiction or hurtful habits, what will you do differently in the year to come?


  1. It's a lot of hard work, but it's worth it. Congratulations on all of the hard work you've done!

    1. Jennifer! You are so kind to visit my blog and serve as a witness to my life and work!

  2. I love the way you reached out to others to enrich your experiences and pull you out of the muck of old habits. Inspired!
