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The Interview
Ulf Schyldt: What is your most important ichnological find in the Two Medicine Formation?
Paleontologist Barbie: You mean, what can I reveal (Paleontologist Barbie raises her eyebrows)? The Two MedicineFormation is full of trace fossils, even though it's most well known for its dinosaur
bones and eggs. So it’s really hard to narrow my answer down to one
ichnological find. But I would say that all the trace fossils are my biggest
ichnological find, because they tell us how the animals were behaving in their
environments 75 million years ago—that’s pretty darned important!
CENTRAL MONTANA. The first day of field work is always the most exciting! Paleontologist
Barbie is relishing the ride to the dig site as the field vehicle winds through
the high plains of central Montana. “Three cheers for mindlessly picking
through rubble in the hot sun all day for the sake of collecting data for
paleoecological and taphonomic analyses that may or may not make it through
peer review, and probably not get published for years!” she shouts, with what is
admittedly not the catchiest of cheers. (Photo
and caption by Tony Martin)
Andrew Rindsberg: I’d like to hear about your field assistants.
Paleontologist Barbie: My field assistants rocked! Of course, I did field
work with my usual colleagues Ruth Schowalter and Tony Martin, but I also met
and did work with the volunteers at Camp Makela, who were such willing
participants in my paleo-enthusiasm. They were all hard working, curious, and
loved learning about fossils and geology. You couldn’t ask for better
companions in the field. I hope to see them again some day and
wish them the best of success! See the photo to see how “rockin'” they were (Paleontologist Barbie laughs at her
geological pun)!
FORMATION. Formed by mud and sand in rivers and lakes during the Late
Cretaceous Period about 75 million years ago, the Two Medicine Formation was
the place where paleontologists uncovered some of the first evidence of
dinosaur nesting and nurturing behaviors. “This place and its paleontological
record fills me with awe!” Paleontologist Barbie says, in an awkward attempt to
avoid saying the overused phrase, “This is awesome!” (photo and caption by Tony Martin)
Andrew Rindsberg: Paleo
Barbie, is it true that your remains will survive the human race to be found
hundreds of millions of years later by our successors, who will name our brief
epoch the Barbiocene?
Paleontologist Barbie: (Paleontologist Barbie giggles) I wish, but it’s really hard to say
how much of me will be around in the future. I just hope that my contributions to
science outlast my physical presence. That’s what science is all about—it’s a
letter to the future.
Ronald McDowell: It could be my computer screen, but, Paleontologist Barbie, please tell me you haven't gone for the New Jersey orange tan.
Paleontologist Barbie: Hey, I was born with this skin tone, so I am not
going to apologize for it (Paleontologist
Barbie laughs). I am fortunate to have a little more natural protection
when out in the field than many of my colleagues. I really like how I look
like most of the world.
As everyone knows, Paleontologist Barbie is always ready for action, and her
first day of field work at the main dig site – Egg Mountain - was no exception,
as she eagerly picked up the nearest rock hammer. “Stop: Hammer time!” she says
with her usual aplomb. (photo and caption
by Tony Martin)
Andrew Rindsberg: Paleo Barbie, how is
it that a piece of dino poop can be preserved, when dog or cow poop doesn’t
last very long in our usual experience?
Ronald McDowell: Andrew Rindsberg asks
an important question, Paleo Barbie. Do you think there may have been something
"special" about dino poo that staved off microbial or insect
Paleontologist Barbie: I got one word for you both: calcite!
Hallelujah Truth: Can you elaborate about
“calcite” for those of us who don’t quite get its role in preserving dino poop?
Paleontologist Barbie: Well, the dinosaur dung, otherwise known as coprolites,
was cemented by calcite. That calcite held together all of the pieces of plants
that went through the gut of a dinosaur. Calcite probably came from the water
that contained calcium and bicarbonate that combined to form calcite. I could
talk about chemistry all day, so I will stop right there, but let’s just say
that it cemented so that dino poop is like concrete, preserving the dung-beetle
burrows where dung-beetle mothers were trying to feed their children.
Jibunnessa Abdullah: Paleontologist
Barbie, study of human poop can tell us so much about human movements,
environment and disease (among other things). What’s the most exciting thing
you’ve learned from looking at dino poop?
Paleontologist Barbie: In the Two Medicine
Formation, the thing that we learned from dino poop is that dinosaurs ate wood.
That’s right! They were like giant woodpeckers. These dinosaurs—which were
hadrosaurs—chewed up the wood for some nutritional content. But that seems
strange, doesn’t it? Because wood doesn’t have much nutrition in it. So my
colleague Karen Chin thinks the dinosaurs
might have eaten the wood because of the insects in it. Insects…yum!
Yet another exciting find in the field area was a dinosaur coprolite: yes,
that’s right, fossilized dinosaur poop! These coprolites were studied by one of Paleontologist Barbie’s heroes, Dr. Karen Chin, and likely belonged to Maiasaura, which definitely did not pick
up after itself. But wait, that’s not all! This coprolite is a two-for-one special,
with a dung-beetle burrow also in it. “I’ll bet that beetle had a
certain kind of grin, if you know what I mean!” she says, trying desperately to
keep her composure before giggling uncontrollably. (Photo and caption by Tony Martin)
Lee Hall: Paleontologist Barbie,
why does the Two Medicine Formation preserve delicate structures like wasp
burrows and horseshoe-crab tracks so well but dinosaur tracks so poorly?
Paleontologist Barbie: Great question, Lee!
Again, I think the answer is calcite. That at least for the wasp burrows and
their cocoons, calcite cemented those with very fine detail. The horseshoe
crab tracks were preserved in mud and then cast in sand. Because they were
little, they were more easily preserved than a dinosaur track. Think about it—one
dinosaur foot could have smashed down deep into the mud and made a real mess.
It’s the difference between dropping a pebble in a pond or a boulder. So even
though dinosaur fossil tracks are big, they don’t show much detail in
the Two Medicine Formation.
DINOSAURS. A closer look at the burrow reveals a few more details, showing
that an insect likely burrowed into the ground next to the dinosaurs nests and
made its own nest. This and other fossil insect nests tell much about the
original environments there 75 million years ago. “Hey, it’s not an entire Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton, but insect
trace fossils are way cool, too!” she points out to everyone there. Who can
argue with that? (Photo and caption by
Tony Martin)
Trish Weaver: Have you been seeing lots of evidence of
invertebrate trace fossils or any evidence of invertebrate body fossils? Does
Paleo Barbie lack “inverto-vision”?
Paleontologist Barbie: Ha! Never! Like I said before, there are lots of invertebrate trace fossils. And I love
invertebrate body fossils. But they're
not very common in the Two Medicine Formation. The invertebrate body fossils I
did see are of snails. Small and large snails there lived both on land and in
water. I’ve even seen some of these snail body fossils in the dinosaur coprolites.
Emmy Hill: Do your findings in
the Two Medicine Formation seem to support the hypothesis of the “deltaic
environment with a series of ponds” deposition?
Paleontologist Barbie: I really like that
question, Emmy, because I love geology, especially sedimentology! Let me say
that word again…sedimentology! That is the study of sediments and what they
tell us about their environments. I think the sediments and the fossils of the Two
Medicine Formation show mostly rivers and soils and not so much deltas. Sure,
there could have been ponds. But those ponds might have been what geologists
call oxbow lakes. Those are small lakes made when a river cuts through a
channel and leaves behind one of its meander bends. But if anyone can prove me
wrong on deltas versus rivers, it would be you, Emmy (Paleontologist Barbie laughs).
TOGETHER. Always wanting to be helpful when working with a field crew,
Paleontologist Barbie adjusts the focus for Emmy Hill as she sights the
crosshairs of her scope on a stadia rod. No, that’s not some euphemism: it’s
science, and the best science is done cooperatively. (Photo and caption by Tony Martin)
Hallelujah Truth: Why did you go to
the Two Medicine Formation this summer? You’ve been there before.
Paleontologist Barbie: That’s like asking
somebody, "Why did you go to the Louvre again? You’ve been there before." The Two Medicine Formation is one
of the most famous formations in the world for the environments that dinosaurs
lived in 75 million years ago. It’s especially famous because of what it tells
us about dinosaur nests and parenting. I
went again to learn more about what's there and especially how the body and
trace fossils can be used together to tell us about the original environments
Paleontologist Barbie: Yes! Every day I had
to use different types of “vision” for seeing different kinds of fossils. For
bones, I had to use what I call “osteo-vision,” for trace fossils I had to use “ichno-vision,”
for eggshells, I had to use “oo-vision.”
Paleontologist Barbie moves around the site, working cooperatively with Paul Germano
and Jared Heuck to uncover a possible dinosaur nest. Working around the nest
sites is delicate work, often requiring tools like brushes instead of hammers.
“Why, I do believe we are looking at some dinosaur eggshell here” she says,
following a decisive stroke of her brush. (Photo
and caption by Tony Martin)
It is an exciting discovery, considering how much of the original dinosaur
eggshell is still in place. This is promising evidence that other eggs may be
near this one. But of course, Paleontologist Barbie is also aware of how eggs
or eggshells could have moved far away from their original nests before being
buried. “How would you like your dinosaur eggs: scrambled, fried, or fossilized?”
she asks rhetorically. (Photo and caption
by Tony Martin)
Hallelujah Truth: Weren’t three weeks in the field difficult or
challenging? How did you collect and organize all that data?
Paleontologist Barbie: Sure it was
difficult, but that was the fun part. I love a challenge. Each day, I went out
in the field looking for fossils, looking at the rocks, with a few things in
mind. But I also expected to be surprised. I documented whatever I saw by
writing notes, taking photographs, and recording where these fossils were.
Hallelujah Truth: While doing this
careful observation and recording, did you ever experience epiphanies?
Paleontologist Barbie: Of course! There
were a lot of times while I was recording numbers, making a drawing, or writing
down what I saw, that an explanation would suddenly pop into my head!
Hallelujah Truth: Can you give us an
Paleontologist Barbie: No, I can’t yet. Not
until we publish our peer-reviewed research paper on it!
Hallelujah Truth: I know you found
numerous hadrosaur tracks but feel discouraged about doing a study of them.
Paleontologist Barbie: Hadrosaur dinosaurs had three
toes on their feet, but most of the tracks we found had only two and sometimes
just one. It was frustrating because we knew that hadrosaurs had three toes, so
the tracks must have been badly preserved. That means it's much more difficult
to do a study of them. Incomplete data—bummer!
Hallelujah Truth: How does your
research relate to that of the other paleontologists at Egg Mountain?
Paleontologist Barbie: The paleontologists
working at Egg Mountain are trying to figure out which dinosaurs were nesting
there and what the environments were like that made them want to nest there. My
research connects with theirs' by showing how when you put all of the fossils
together with the sedimentology you can totally understand the dinosaur
nesting. And I mean totally!
Hallelujah Truth: What was the most
challenging thing for you being out in the field?
Paleontologist Barbie: I don’t know how to
answer that. The weather is always changing. You had to be ready for it to be
hot, cold, windy, or buggy. Or rainy or cloudy. Anything could happen!
Hallelujah Truth: What was the most
fun thing about being at Camp Makela?
Paleontologist Barbie: At camp, the people
were definitely and absolutely the most fun! I had so many great conversations about
the paleontology, geology, science education, food, beer…and even nails (giggles)!
Hallelujah Truth: When will the public
start seeing the results of your field work?
Paleontologist Barbie: Well, I hope with
this interview they already are! But for the peer-reviewed articles…well, that
will have to wait a few years. That is something to look forward to.
Hallelujah Truth: If you could imagine
something really wonderful to come of your three weeks of fieldwork, what would
that be?
Paleontologist Barbie: (Laughing) Other than being on the cover of Science or Nature? If I
had to choose one thing it would be to go on the talk-show circuit and spread
the word about how cool paleontology is as a science for younger
people—especially girls.
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COLLABORATORS. Here we are Hallelujah Truth (aka Ruth Schowalter) and Chiboogamoo (aka Tony Martin), boon companions out in the Montana High Plains. I joined Tony for 10 days of mesmerizing fieldwork in July 2015. We both blogged about our Cretaceous Summer here. We have other blogs about his work with Paleontologist Barbie here. Most of the photos in this interview first appeared on Tony Martin's Facebook page here. |
Nice to hear from Paleo Barbie again. I learned something...the definition of an oxbow lake!
ReplyDeleteRead this when first posted but enjoyed reading it again...