
Sunday, December 20, 2015

REVERB15 (Day 19): Flaming the fire to make the soup

SUNRISE GEORGIA COAST, December 20th, 2015. Thinking about light and heat and cooking things up in my life. Focusing on "light" on this cold December day along the Georgia coast on one of the shortest days of the year amuses me and motivates me. (Photo by Hallelujah Truth)
Hallelujah for the soupy mix of our lives and for turning up the heat to make it hot! One day late, here is my response to Kat McNally's December 19th writing prompt that made me think about light and heat.

REVERB15 (Day 19) Prompt: “Today I am wondering what would happen if I allowed a little more out-of-control-ness in my life. So I invite you to consider: where could you (like me) consider turning it up a few notches in the new year?”—Kat McNally

What a lovely invitation this REVERB (Day 19) prompt is! To increase the intensity of something in my life that is ready to manifest! What FIRE needs to be stoked? How bright does the light need to be?

On the stove and in the “soup pot,” I see preparing the ingredients and cooking up a three-month program to ignite and guide myself and others on a creative path using the tools and principles of InterPlay

In fact, as I write this blog post,  I’m in the kitchen cooking! Sitting at a table of my writer’s retreat to design this course, with a view of the Sapelo marsh, I’m observing the fire of the setting sun glow golden on and above the Spartina and below the blue sky. Something is heating up for sure ! Turn up the dial and increase the temperature! Intensify the light!
GOLDEN MARSH GLOW. The alchemy of light, fire, heat! This view from my writing table at Sapelo. I am working alongside my husband. During the day, I am his field assistant and by night, a writer, creator, artist, and InterPlayer. (photo by Hallelujah Truth)
Other items I want to throw into the soupy mix of my life and add fuel to the flame and light of my life are the following:

InterPlay Art & Soul Creativity Coaching. Continue to articulate the service I offer as a creativity coach, using play to support authenticity and develop confidence and joy. Attract new clients.

ARTiculate my ART. Motivated by a fellow artist, to begin speaking up for my art, I am making 2016 a year for speaking my truth as well as making images to express it. Whenever given the opportunity, I pledge to stand up and speak out.

Receive and Celebrate Abundance. In 2016, I envision working and connecting with others meaningfully whether it is through my InterPlaying, Creativity Coaching, Art Making or Teaching American English Fluency. I see me being paid well for this rewarding work.

Health. Now is the time for me to really commit to a healthy regimen of diet and exercise to complement my creative work.
SAPELO SUNSET. I am happy and do not feel the nostalgia that generally accompanies the setting of the sun. Instead, I feel imbued with the light I gathered today while I roamed the natural wonders of this Georgia coast island. (Photo by Hallelujah Truth)
That’s Coffee with Hallelujah! Soul Blog with me and tell me what FIRES you plan to FLAME. What SOUPY MIX of LIFE are you cooking?


  1. Oh what a delicious soup you're creating Hallelujah! I can't wait to see.

  2. So funny Deborah that we aren't given the recipe for this soup at birth! We have to create it as we go along!
