
Monday, December 21, 2015

REVERB15 (Day 21) 2016 MANIFESTO: Celebrating wholeness and igniting it perpetually

MANIFESTING WHOLENESS. In my daily creative practice, I draw each day. If there is time for coffee, there is time to create. Here I am drawing my cast of characters but with a subtle difference. In 2016, I plan on manifesting WHOLENESS. Read on to find out more. (Photo by Tony Martin at Sweet Cottage Savannah)
Hallelujah to MANIFESTING! Hallelujah to bidding one year (2015) good-bye with love and welcoming another (2016) in with vision and grace!

Here is Kat McNally's last prompt for REVERB15! (Day 21): 

"Your last challenge for Reverb15 is to write your manifesto for 2016. 
If you’re not sure where to start, I'd highly recommend checking out Alexandrea Franzen's 5 ways to write a blow-your-mind manifesto!
For bonus points, make it into a work of art." (see the complete prompt at the end of this blog post)
(A Work in Progress)

I, Hallelujah Truth (aka Ruth Schowalter), pledge to experience my WHOLENESS in body, mind, heart, and spirit. “I AM ENOUGH,” is my 2016 Manifesting Motto (thank you Carolyn Renee).
WHOLENESS. This image resulted from the dream I had December 18th, 2015, after celebrating my 11th wedding anniversary by attending the performance of Langston Hughes’ “Black Nativity.” During the performance, I felt my “bodyspirit” shift. When Mary and Joseph were turned away from the refuge they were seeking at the Inn, Joseph was thrown to the ground. Pregnant Mary looked on helplessly. Present in my mind were the Syrians who are likewise seeking life-sustaining refuge. My heart hurt. Then it opened. What can I do to love more? To nurture? To help those in need?

This heart-opening shift towards others in needed impacted me psychologically. That night, I dreamed of “crossing the waters” to return something to a young man, a former student of mine from Saudi Arabia. My “crossing the waters” successfully depended on his assistance. Without his help, I would have fallen in.

This young man is glad to see me because he wanted to ask me about our father and grandfather. Although he was “foreign born, we shared the same lineage! Embracing him, I massaged his heart. Upon waking, I feel my animus to be more developed and multi-dimensional.

This image reflects this heart-opening shift in the animus depicted in my drawings. (Art by Hallelujah Truth)

My 2016 Manifesting Practice is to perpetually EMBODY my experience or “bodyspirit”—to move, to speak, to shape, and to be still—with ease and joy.

In relation to my community, I pledge to witness your experience with love, patience, acceptance, and forgiveness. I will continue to practice applauding your journey and to know how precious it is that we are all connected.
HEART-OPENING ANIMUS SHIFT. Marriage offers me the opportunity to cultivate BALANCE. I love being married to my Chiboogamoo and am so grateful for the opportunity to be present in this lifelong partnership. My sweet husband has impacted my perception of men and what that masculine force might be enacted in my psyche. I believe if we were all cultivating LOVE, KINDNESS, and ACCEPTANCE for ourselves, we would have the PRACTICE of offering that unconditional love to the OTHER. (Art by Hallelujah Truth)
As I continue my SOJOURN into the UNKNOWN MYSTERIES in 2016, I promise to say YES to you, and everyone else, and opportunities that affirm me and the skills I have to offer the World.

And YES to ABUDANCE. Abundant health, friends, travels, discoveries, and wealth!

YES to perpetually igniting CREATIVITY in myself and others!

COMFORT. Part of my trilogy is the Wallaby. This warm furry animal offers the power of unconditional love. (Art by Hallelujah Truth)

That’s Coffee with Hallelujah! SOUL BLOG with me and tell me about your 2016 Manifesto (or see the alternative prompt at the bottom of the page)! And, I always welcome LOVE and APPLAUSE for my proclamations. Thank you!

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Others I would like to thank include: Kat McNally for hosting #REVERB15 and the theme of alchemy. The prompts were thought provoking and nurturing. Gratitude to the Hartzell’s for hosting my Chiboogamoo and me in Savannah. Without Lesly Fredman and Matt Huffman, we could not leave our beloved felines, Tao and Sapelo, to make our travels. My REVERB posts were written in Dectaur, Georgia (my home); Auburn, Alabama (my mother’s home); Gainesville, Florida (my aunt’s home); Savannah, Georgia (Hartzell’s home); and Sapelo Island (writer’s retreat).  And  Big Love to my husband, who supports my Wholeness with unconditional love and lot of laughter.

Alternative prompt from Kat McNally for REVERB15 (Day #21) 

"If you're still stuck you could always follow the model of the past two Reverbs i.e. complete the following sentences as fast and furious as you can:
In 2016, I am open to...  

In 2016, I want to feel... 
In 2016, I will say no to...  
In 2016, I will know I am on the right track when… 
But when I find myself veering off course, I will gently but firmly… 
In December 2016, I want to look back and say...."


  1. I haven't interacted much as I've been going deep within, but I'm glad to see a neighbor here again. Also? I lived in Gainesville, FL 5 years ago. It's funny how these internet threads weave us all together. May your 2016 be enough!

    1. Meredith thanks for stopping by and having Coffee with Hallelujah. What is the name of your blog? Have I visited you? Thanks for the blessing of "enoughness." And for perpetuating the sense that we are all connected.

  2. So much to love here Hallelujah. What a fabulous, expansive, whole-hearted manifesto! And your dream, and the experience leading to it, is extraordinary. What a beautiful gift to move into the new year with. And as always, your art inspires and deights me. Thank you!

    1. Deborah what a wonderful journey we have had together during the last 21 days. Your visits to my blog have meant the world to me. Happy New Year and may you manifest your dreams in the upcoming 2016.
