To make it even better, the church secretary, Sherry Davis, and the senior pastor, Rev. Dr. James L. Brewer-Calvert, are such warm, welcoming people and have greeted our InterPlay group with smiles and curiosity. We are so lucky!
And me? I am having a grand time with the 12 participants who so willingly signed on to meet with me for 8 consecutive Tuesdays for two hours to explore what I meant by the course title, "InterPlay Alchemy: The Creative Magic of the Embodied Soul."
To be honest, I am studying like a college student. I have been reading and rereading InterPlay history, techniques, and philosophies across InterPlay texts! Phil and Cynthia have done such a thorough job of writing their ideas down, and it helps to have it expressed in different ways in their varied offerings:
The Wisdom of the Body: The InterPlay Philosophy and Technique
Dance: The Sacred Art: The Joy of Movement as a Spiritual Practice
Having it All: Body Mind, Heart & Spirit Together Again at Last
The Slightly Mad Rantings of a Body Intellectual Part One
Who wouldn't like to devour thoughts like these that are so inviting and accepting of the individual?:
dance grows from following your energy, your individual curiosity about
experience, and your intentions. Your body has it owns agenda, its own
vocabulary, and its own necessary communications.”
the way you dance.”
“If you
want more connection with mystery, intuition, and surprise, it is your
wandering, dreaming soul that may know best how to arrive at its destination.
Dance is perfectly suited to opening the door of conscious, symbolic
...Plant your feet on a little
spot of earth and imagine what you want to contribute on your spiritual path.”
--Cynthia Winton-Henry, Dance the Sacred Art
What a privilege it is to distill my gleanings from the InterPlay training I've received from such kind, patient, playful wise people. What an honor to experiment with that knowledge by leading others into play and discovery!
I am so excited. And very thankful!
That's Coffee with Hallelujah! SOUL BLOG with me today and share your ideas about InterPlay or play or dance!
Congratulations Ruth! Your passion and commitment are such a gift to our Atlanta InterPlay community and to the larger InterPlay community as well.We are so lucky to have you!